Four Things You Can Do This Month To See Results

Amanda Mercurio

If you’ve found yourself looking for a quick-fix or some newly discovered fitness secret that will help melt fat away quickly and get you in shape fast… I’m sorry to break it to ya…
but it doesn’t exist. And if someone is selling you that, don’t buy it!

OK so maybe you already know that this doesn’t exist…and you understand that good things take time…. but maybe you still want to lose 20 + lbs in a month. So you start working out hard for a month, changing your diet for a month, going for runs for a month…. and then feeling disappointed at the end of that month because 20lbs didn’t fall off …. and then quitting until you are ready to try it again in another few months and repeat. This is an all too common cycle that many fall into. 

Here’s the thing- you can make changes starting today that, if consistently practiced for a month straight will bring you great results by the end of the month. Likely not 20lbs dropped because that’s unrealistic. But you can get leaner, stronger, and feel WAY better in 30 days and see enough change to turn a few heads. But you have to be consistent and realistic. I repeat - consistency and realistic expectations!

So if that sounds good to you, here is what you can do NOW to see actual results in the next month:

1. Lift weights. Aim for 3 total body strength days per week. Rest in between.

2. Count how many grams of protein you eat daily. If it’s not equal to 1g per 1 lb of your body weight, OR 1g per 1 lb of your GOAL body weight, increase accordingly.

3. Swap out cardio sessions for walking more & sleeping more (or better). You’ll burn more fat that way, better develop your muscles, treat your metabolism well, and feel energized.

4. Get rid of crappy, highly processed foods. It seems like the list of such foods is never ending these days, but start by cutting things out that contain industrial seed oils, food dyes, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and hydrogenated fats, to name a few. I know of a great FREE grocery list that you can get HERE. :) 

It’s easy to get in our own heads and feel like things are taking forever… but I promise one day you will start to notice. And so will others around you. And because you took the time to do it right, you won’t run the risk of losing your results quickly if you fall off for a little bit. 

I help simplify this process for my clients with custom nutrition plans!
For more information, click HERE